Friday, May 22, 2009

Eye Like It (So Much)

As a former four eyes, I distinctly recall my decision to go contacts. It was the summer before my junior year of high school where I was scheduled to take a chemistry class. This class required goggles.
I did not want to be a four eyes on top of a four eyes so I adapted to plastic (the future, according to The Graduate). Good choice for the time but all the ladies and gents rocking the glass, I am pro that all the way.

From the spread by Lula magazine on why guys should make passes at girls who wear glasses.

Working tomorrow, writing a little, waiting on some mail to arrive and watching some crappy TV as well. I'm ashamed to say that there is a tiny part of me that is truly enjoying Daisy of Love on VH1.
I am missing all my summers of the past though when I used to stay up watching completely godawful but really fun movies on Showtime Beyond though. It was a channel on Showtime that specialized in showing horror/suspense films with the occasional anime cartoon tossed in the mix. It was where I caught many Roger Corman movies, my first Klaus Kinski film (Crawlspace) and Pinocchio's Revenge (it is exactly how it sounds).
But sadly enough, that is all just a fleeting memory in my head. One that I dream about now more than ever and while I do love my life now, I grasp harder for the past.
If I start watching The Hills, do not hesitate to slap me silly.

Love to you all,

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