Thursday, March 26, 2009

Peter Rabbit=Stylish

*My version of Peter the Rabbit
Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Peter. Peter had three brothers and wasn't into blending into the crowd. He liked to stand out and be himself so he wore a jacket. Not just any jacket, a baby blue tailored blazer with gold buttons.
He also carried a handkerchief with onions wrapped inside and saw the world as a place of exploration.
This little bunny was certainly ahead of his time.

Every now and then, Mom would be all, "Please Peter. Dress like your brothers so we can take the annual family portrait color-coordinated."
"Mom, I already told you. Those red capes are itchy and do nothing to flatter my form. You can't tell I live strictly on a diet of carrots in them! This coat is so me. Tres chic."
Mom sighed, "Just because we lived in a burrow in Paris for six months does not mean you are French. Next you'll be wanting a beret."
"Oh! Marvelous idea!"

Mr. McGregor and his pesky fence took a hold of Peter one afternoon as he went exploring.
"No!!" Peter cried out as the splinters of wood slowly shredded his blazer, "No! Take me instead! I beg you!"
The gold buttons dug into the dirt, soil entering every cervice of the detailing, "No, no, NO!!"
Peter left McGregor's yard in tears. Whatever could make him feel better?

Disco party time of course!
Under the strobe lights with his newly ordered jacket, Peter did his signature move of the bunny hop, avoided fences forever, and lived happily ever after.
The end.

Love to you all,

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